Sunday, April 12, 2015

My husband, Chris, wanted to answer questions. He actually wanted me to ask him questions about women's makeup looks and techniques because...well...he sees things differently. LOL. I decided not to do that, this time around because honestly...I don't know how to ask the questions without it being a laugh fest!

I thought I'd include my husband in a post because tomorrow is our One Year Wedding Anniversary. Thought it would be nice for everyone to hear a little bit from him. So I will type the questions and type his answers word for word. I advance.   LOL

1. Where did we meet? Applebee's

2.Where was our first date? Leesylvania Park

3.What was your first impression of me? You seemed "alright". You didn't seem crazy.

4.When did you meet my family? Pizza dinner cant remember exactly when.

5.Weird habit of each other? Chris says I'm OCD and Tiara says He won't let me do anything, he wants to do it.

6.How long have we been together? Almost 3 years married for 1 tomorrow.

7. Do we have any traditions? Every year we do our winter lodge camping

8. An animal that resembles one another? Chris resembles a Bull Dog Tiara resembles a cat. (Cause she always wants her head rubbed)

9.What was our first road trip? Graves festival

10. First thing you noticed about me? Chris said first thing he noticed about me was my smile. The first thing I noticed about Chris was his big wide chest.

11. What pisses him off? People....driving especially lol

12 Favorite feature about each other? We both said each others face after a long stare down...LOL

13. 1 thing that I am good at? Helping him. And he is good at cooking! yum

14. Do I have PMS? He said no, I'm pretty good. He just has to feed me chocolate. lol

15.Nicknames for each other? Chris calls me Love Butt, Spoiled. I call Chris Squeegie and Booder.

16.What is my favorite restaurant? Chris said mine is Castiglia's in downtown Fredericksburg. He is correct. I said Chris' is El Charro's and he said yep!

17. If  I am watching TV, what am I watching? Chris says Pretty Little Liars for me which would be correct. And Chris is watching Hunting Channel. He said yep! Or epic fails on his cell.

18. What is one food that I don't like? Chris said I don't like Brussel Sprouts. Yep, that's right. ick!! Chris doesn't Like...Hummus....and he pointed to me in agreement! lol

19. What drink do I order when we go out? Pepsi or Coke for both of us and we both agreed.

20. Where am I from? Chris said I'm from NJ and he is correct. Chris is from Saginaw, Michigan. Which I am correct. He can't remember the town I grew up in. It's Pemberton NJ

Well, If I had to judge if we know each other....I'd say yes! We know each other pretty well. I thought he'd get the Pemberton, NJ LOL....or at least Trenton, since we visit it so much to see my mom.

This was fun for me to see if my hubby actually knows things about me. Next time, I'll see what he knows about makeup! I'm sure if he did a quiz on what I knew about guns...I wouldn't pass, so I guess it's okay.

Hope you all are having a great day! We sure are. Take care and catch ya later! XO


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