Sunday, April 5, 2015
Is it weird that I enjoy writing about myself? I do. I think I just like putting thoughts down of things I know that I am absolutely sure of. All the experiences typed up for others to read. Not for the hopes of approval or for people to think I have arrived. For only the reason that if someone reads this and they can relate and if I can help someone see something different or insightful for their life, I am truly happy. Not to mention if the reader is entertained, by me...then I am extremely stoked! ;-)

I am going to be 43 years old this year. Which to some, that is still young, but to others old. Honestly in some aspects, I feel old. However, they are very few. I usually feel like a young adult trapped in this...body. Plus, I try hard to stay least in my mind and views.

I was born and raised in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey. Close to Philly and close to the Jersey shore. I would have to say a perfect place to grow up. The smallest of towns. Well, really it is a Boro. Has only two lights and the first light was the light to turn into the Boro. The other light, is right in the center of town.

I lived there most of my school years. The town is so small that we had our own little school for grades K-8. Most of my friends, lived there just as long as I did which is pretty cool. Yet, even though the town, the friends and the school were all fun and nice, everything else....wasn't so fun and nice.

I'm not going to make this a sad story to share. However I wanted to share that I am 1/2 Puerto Rican (mother) and 1/2 Norwegian (father). I look a lot like my father and a lot like my mother. I am sure, if I didn't have the dark hair, and dark eyes, I'd look more like my father....but...those two features give me away to Spanish decent. So, people see me as Spanish. Which I don't have an issue

When I was young, I hated it. Back in the late 70's and early 80's, I was made fun of because I was Puerto Rican. I definitely did my best to NOT look or sound or seem Spanish. Which when I look back was pretty silly, because there was no mistaking it...I LOOKED Spanish. lol

Funny how things change. Jobs WANT you to speak Spanish and English. When I was single and I told someone I was Puerto Rican, it was a commodity! It still is. It's sad how it was back then. Sad how it was before my time. And, it's sad that in some aspects, it's still the same.

For that very reason, that is why I enjoy being on Instagram and Twitter and blogging on a page. I get to see and read others pictures and words from ALL over the world. Different nationalities, different religions. It's amazing.

So, this blog is another page of things for you to get to know me. Why? Well, why not? I love who I am and my nationality, my ethnicity...and my small part of making up the people of this world. I am glad and thankful for your part too.


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