Sunday, April 26, 2015

Today's Get To Know Me, I thought I'd share with you my love for music. I figure I'd start from the very first band I loved all the way up to current. I just love music. I love to listen to Classic Rock the most. Bands/Songs from when I was a little girl just moves through my soul! Of course I love my own music which tends to be a little bit heavier but it actually calms my brain. LOL. I don't know how else to explain it but by that way....

My very first band that got me 'band crazy' was Duran Duran. My bedroom was full of posters, and I had to have all their albums. Even albums that were made in other countries that were hard to get in the U.S.

Every time they came on MTV, it was a frenzy! My friends and I would scream and cry! It was like The Beatles. I owned hats and jackets and pins and my school pictures had to have Duran Duran in them! LOL  I still like them and when I hear old songs like The Reflex, Rio and Girls On Film....I am swept up!

The first band I saw in concert was Glass Tiger at the Pennsylvania State Fare. I was front row with my best friend and we stayed there all day instead of enjoying the fare. I only knew a couple songs by them but I was excited to be front row listening to guys in bands! Here is Glass Tiger....

Now from Duran Duran I somehow slowed down listening to pop and moved to something else. I remember the moment I saw this next band on MTV and I was HOOKED. I left Duran Duran and pop music, all for.......

DEF LEPPARD! Yes, Def Leppard turned me into a "metal head". How did it happen? I have no idea. I just loved how high he could sing, I loved the edginess and hardness that they portrayed. So different than suit wearing, sweet singing...Duran Duran.

I would have to contribute my 1st Soprano range when I sing to all the Rock bands of the 80's and 90's because they all sang SO HIGH! lol.

My second concert was at Great Adventure in New Jersey and we went to see Cheap Trick! I loved Cheap Trick because they were an older band and as a little girl, I remember listening to them in the car or hearing my sister/brother/father listening to them. That band has been around since the 70's!

Now, this next band was THE band that was the BIGGEST influence in my life. I was in high school now. Smack dab in the middle of the 80's/90's Rock Hair Bands. And then...I heard Bon Jovi for the first time.

Runaway was the song that made a young girl lust after an older man. Lord have mercy girls.  Girls went crazy over them. People wanted to look like them. And because I was from NJ and so was the was even cooler! I had seen Bon Jovi in concert I think a total of 4 times. I still love them and continue to buy their song/CD's.

The following pictures are bands I've seen in concert when I was younger. All bands were amazing and loved every moment of being in the same room with them as they played. I love seeing bands live and will continue to, till the day I die!

Above: Dangerous Toys

Above: Tora Tora

Above: LA Guns
I saw the three bands above with a boyfriend at the time. We went to the Electric Factory in Philadelphia to see them. It's a small Venue and afterwards we went out in the back and waited for them to come out. When they did they all signed autographs and took pictures and hung out with us for awhile. I have photos of me with them. What a great night that was!

Above: Cinderella

Above: Skid Row

Above: Bad English

Above: Whitesnake
I've seen Cinderella with Bon Jovi, another time I saw Bon Jovi I saw them with Skid Row and then I've seen Bad English with Whitesnake. All of these bands were playing at The Spectrum in Philadelphia. It is no longer there, but I have seen some great bands there.
Now the bands below are the bands that I've loved for awhile but didn't get to see them in concert until I was in my 30's and 40's. Better late than never right?

I finally got to see Creed, Van Halen and Metallica in concert. These bands I've loved for forever and finally as an older adult got see live. I still listen to these bands and bands that are similar.  My favorite band since 2004 has been Godsmack. I enjoy hard edgy music and the bands I've spoken about, aren't all of them, but the main ones.
Hope you all enjoyed getting to know another part of me. This post was fun to share. It's always entertaining to reminisce of things from when we are young. Hope you all are having a great day. Talk to ya soon! Xo


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