Saturday, May 2, 2015

20. I am half Puerto Rican (from mom) and half Norweigan (from dad). As a young child growing up in the 70's and 80's, I was made fun of quite often because I was Spanish. I was a super chubby kid all my life and I got made fun of more because I looked Hispanic than I was chubby.

19. I was born and raised in Jersey! Lived super close to the Pine Barrens. Miss that awesome smell of pine and freshness! I lived in a small town about 45 minutes from the Shore and 40 minutes from Philly called Pemberton Borough. It was awesome there because the town was so small that you knew every kid and could walk around the town freely and safely.

18. I had my first child, my son, when I was only one month into my 21st year. I liked babies and small children and thought it would be cake. Being a young parent was very hard. 17 months later I had  my daughter. I actually thought one child was tough? Holy Crap...2 was even crazier! LOL. I made it though.

17. The largest I had ever weighed was 260lbs. In 2011, I began a weight loss journey and lost 110 lbs. and have kept 100-90 of it off still today.

16. I finally got to travel to my #1 country that I have ALWAYS wanted to travel to, since I was 11 years old. That is England. I visited there for about a week. We were in Folkestone which is in Kent. Saw England's shore (which were pebbles). Visited numerous castles, churches, street long markets, parks and pubs. I loved going into London and seeing all the historical buildings and learning all the facts. My two favorite things to see were the Royal Jewels and the country side. So GREEN and beautiful. I just want to live there!

15. I love to sing. I can carry a tune but I'm not a Beyoncé. I used to sing 1st Soprano in church. Singing solos almost every month. I've always wanted to join/start a local band and just play in bars or open mic nights. Love to entertain...

14. My love for makeup started when I was 6 years old. I'd watch my mother put on her makeup and I loved how beautiful my mothers skin was and how makeup changed her to pretty in 20 minutes. I wasn't allowed to wear makeup until I was in 9th grade and that was just eyeliner and light lipsticks. Just love how makeup enhances beauty and makes people more confident.

13. When I was young I used to write novels. I had numerous novels an one day I threw them all away! I wish I had kept them all. I am sure they were hilarious now. I took some college courses within the last year 1/2 and writing was one. I didn't know how much I missed it until I was made to write for class. I'd love to take a creative writing class and get these creative thoughts stirred up!

12. I have a makeup/beauty room in my house. I have always wanted one and wish came true. Thanks to my hubby. :-)  I love learning how to make adorable DIY décor for this room. It still needs a lot of work but I love looking things up and trying.

11. I love collecting makeup. Sometimes I get sad when my makeup...goes...bad, and I have to throw it away. At moments like those, I don't want to keep buying until what I have is used up. However, then I see all these cute packaging or new item that comes out and I feel that impulse to buy. If I get a coupon or discount code...oh lord, it's all over!! lol

10. I am a serious advocate for wearing....scarves. I love to wear scarves. I have about 40-50. It doesn't matter what size or colors. It makes whatever I am wearing even prettier...classier. More put together. I love that! I need more!!!! Ha!

9. I own a black 2012 Kia Optima...TURBO. This car has all the bells and whistles. I used to be a crazy driver...using that turbo all the time! I don't as much...except when I am listening to LOUD rock music. My foot then turns into Lead.

8. I love to hunt and fish. Hunting is fun because that moment when you have your bow or rifle on something and you are just waiting for that perfect second to let the arrow go or pull the trigger....and you let it go. You see it hit your target and your heart is pounding so loud and so hard....that is just so exciting to me. I also love listening for the animals. Every sound you hear may be something so you are always watching like a hawk. It's almost like a competition. So much fun. Fishing I love even more. It's so relaxing to me with a splash of excitement when you see your line bobbing and you yank and reel and reel and reel in your catch. I'm so competitive with both.

7. I have a OCDish thing. I love things to be organized. They don't have to be spotless or super clean or smelling fresh, it just has to be in its place. It has to make sense. Also, if I am cleaning something or doing something and it leaves marks, that bothers me. If it's supposed to leave straight marks like mowing the grass or vacuuming the carpet, it has to be straight and perfect. When I see perfect straight lines, I feel good. I know that is strange but it's... me.

6. I love to camp! I love just camping in a tent at a site with a fire pit. Just roughing it is fine with me. Going for hikes is nice too. I usually get logs and sticks and I actually can make great fires.

5. I love to bake. I haven't done to much baking since meeting my husband. I miss it but if I am good at anything, it's baking. It makes me happy and keeps me long as no one else is in my kitchen LOL

4. I have a weird desire to have every color and type of....SHARPIE that there is in this world. I just love Sharpies and love making things with them. I have way to many, but that's okay.

3. I don't like it when adults who are much older than me act like immature brats. One of many pet peeves that I have, but this is the one I deal with every day lately. I definitely don't want to be around these types of people because they bring such negativity around me, that it drives me crazy.

2. I enjoy taking bubble baths. I mean if I could take at least one a day, I'd be one happy camper. I know there are all these bath accessories, I like a lot of them, but just a good old fashion bubble bath is fine as well. Put on some soft music, dim the lights and I could drift off into happy land.

1. I have an obsession with smells. I love candles and always have to have one burning. I love cleaning supply smells and soap smells and even air fresheners. Some smell so great that I'll use or spray for no reason at all. Just to smell it!

I am tagging all who read this and who have either a blog or a INSTAGRAM account. When I see these, I have to read them. I love knowing things about people and finding out if we have anything in common. It definitely can spark some great conversations or possibly start some friendships!

Thanks for stopping by. Take care and talk to you soon! Xo


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