Wednesday, May 13, 2015

What if you were to die tomorrow? What would you wish you could do before you die? I have been thinking a lot about this. Have you? No matter what age you are, at some point (I advise you start when you are a young adult) you should think about making a bucket list. It's a great feeling to make a list of any kind and be able to cross things off and say "Did it!" What a feeling it is to do things that you've wanted to do all your life or that make you extremely fulfilled! I like that feeling and I want more, so I thought I'd start my bucket list.

So, I put together the start of my bucket list. I have ten that were no-brainers for me. I'm not going to put them in any order....let's just say if I can do any of these at anytime...I'll be ecstatic!!

1.  Achieve MY ideal weight...and I DON'T mean my BMI weight. I think it was made back in the 1830's and they have changed it over time. I just want to be the weight size that I personally want to be.

2.  I want to camp on the beach. I want to pitch our tent in the sand to hear the waves crashing all night. Watch the sun rise and the sun set. Breathing in that salt water ocean. Oh man. This just sounds like heaven!!

3.  See the pyramids in Egypt. Actually not just see them, but tour them. Walk around them...feel them...stand next to them. To even just imagine, so long ago these men built these amazing pyramids...without any of the tools we have today. HOLY COW. I get goosebumps just thinking about it! Gotta see them!!

4. See Prince in concert. Yes, I'll take a heapful of Prince...ANYDAY! I love me some Prince. Always have and always will. From the 70's even mmm mmmm. I don't care if I am in the nose bleed section or standing room only. I just want to hear him play and feel his awesome vibes! This to me is the same as if I could have seen Michael Jackson before he passed. Prince is god.

5.  To see the two bands that gave me interest in music. Duran Duran and Def Leppard. Duran Duran was the very first band I EVER loved! When I listen to their music today, there is no other genre or band that I have listened to, that gives me the content feeling that I get when listening to Duran Duran.

Def Leppard was the band that changed my taste in music from pop/punk to Rock. Back then, they weren't even considered Rock it was HEAVY METAL!!!   \m/     <-- lol. To see them in concert would just be a dream of mine from when I was a young teenager. Such wonderful memories these bands gave me.

6.  To eat pasta IN Italy! Which would mean...I'M IN ITALY! lol. I would just love to experience tasting pasta that was made from the country that made pasta taste as good as an orgasm. To hear Italian spoken, to be drinking Italian wine with my meal. This for me would be.... molto bene!

7.  To see the Hobbit huts in New Zealand. I love Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit. These little huts are so enchanting that it would be pure nostalgic for me! I love the country side, especially in countries such as England and Ireland. I must see New Zealand! So many films were filmed there. I want to see with my own eyes....why they chose New Zeland. :-D

8.  To chase a tornado. Yep, you read that right. I have always wanted to chase a tornado ever since I was little watching Wizard of Oz. In the 90's I would purchase documentaries on tornados. I'd actually PURCHASE them. lol. I'm always looking at the sky and the clouds formation. I hope to do this soon.

9.  Road trip across America in a mobile home. I think this is my #1 on my bucket list. I want to see every  'safe' area of the USA. See all the amazing historical features that are still here and 'living' for us to witness today! Grand Canyon, Yellowstone National Park, Smoky Mountains, Niagara Falls and Kennedy Space Center....just to name VERY few.

10.  Float in the Dead Sea. I've seen pictures and heard people talk about it that have gone and I just think that is so neat! Also, if I'm going to be able to get into the Dead Sea, I'd also like to visit Israel. Walk around where Jesus walked. See things that Jesus saw. This would be THE ultimate trip for me. 

This was fun for me. Hope it was fun to read. Why don't you make one up for yourself. Keep it and I hope one day all your things are crossed off! Good luck and have a great rest of the day! Xo


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